5 good reasons to incorporate seaweed into our food diet

Seaweed is the added value in nutrition: the top 5 benefits!
Algae are often not considered an important and appealing item to include in the dietary diet, although for the past several years this common perception has been rapidly changing.

Seaweed is an excellent source of vitamins, and incorporating it into one's diet allows one to strengthen the immune system, among other things.

Despite this, many people still do not know the taste and flavor of edible seaweed and still do not contemplate it as a beneficial nutritional element in their daily diet.

The top 5 beneficial properties of seaweed:
Food and nutrition experts have identified a large number of beneficial properties of using seaweed in food. Here are the top 5 beneficial properties:

1. Reduction of cardiovascular risks and disorders.
2. Strengthening of the thyroid gland.
3. Improvement of intestinal function and transit
4. Strengthening of the immune system
5. Positive effect on female hormones

1. Reduction of cardiovascular risks and disorders.
Seaweed contains omega-3 fatty acids that help improve blood composition, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and normalizing blood pressure.

2. Strengthening of the thyroid gland.
Seaweed contains large amounts of iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. According to experts, iodine from seaweed is absorbed by the body more efficiently than iodized salt. For example, Kombu seaweed (belonging to the brown seaweed family) is rich in polysaccharides and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and iodine, so it is recommended in the treatment of hyper- and hypotension, glandular imbalances and thyroid diseases.

3. Improvement of intestinal function and transit
Red and brown algae contain fucoxanthin, a pigment that contributes to the revitalization of fat removal from the gastrointestinal tract.

In general, there is fiber in these algae that is necessary for proper intestinal function.

Specifically, Kombu seaweed contains a large amount of alginate or alginic acid, a strong sticky substance that, in an acidic environment such as the stomach, forms a dense colloidal gel (sodium alginate) that protects the mucosa of the intestines and stomach from damage. In fact, this substance functions as a gastric lining and stomach protector. Alginic acid, in addition to safeguarding us from the risk of gastritis and stomach ulcers, is considered a fiber that promotes intestinal transit.

4. Strengthening of the immune system
Regular intake of algae in the diet promotes conditions for the active growth of beneficial microflora in the gut. It strengthens the immune system because these plants contain substances that activate the production of white blood cells needed to defend our bodies from external attacks.

5. Positive effect on female hormones
Another important beneficial effect that seaweed has on our bodies relates specifically to female health. The introduction of seaweed into the diet helps normalize estrogen levels in the blood. Experts say women should actively consume seaweed especially in the run-up to menopause.

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