9 good reasons to incorporate seaweed into our diet

If you are a curious food and wellness enthusiast; always looking for stimulation to make your diet balanced, healthy and varied, you will be interested to know 9 good reasons to incorporate seaweed into your daily diet.

5 Good Reasons to Integrate Algae into the Diet.
Some time ago we had highlighted 5 beneficial properties of using seaweed in daily nutrition:

1. Reduction of cardiovascular risks and disorders.

2. Strengthening of the thyroid gland.

3. Improvement of intestinal function and transit

4. Strengthening of the immune system

5. Positive effect on female hormones

+ 4 More Good Reasons to Choose Algae
Today we discover 4 more good reasons for incorporating seaweed into our diet and also into our cooking:

6. Source of protein and energy

7. They stimulate metabolism

8. Source of minerals and Oligoelements

9. Source of vitamins

Protein and Energy Source
Algae are rich in essential amino acids. These plant proteins are similar in structure to those of animal origin, so they are especially ideal for those on a vegetarian diet. In addition, plant proteins are more digestible than animal proteins.

They stimulate metabolism
For more than half of them, algae are composed of fiber. This implies that they not only facilitate intestinal transit but are also an excellent remedy for calming hunger and stimulating metabolism. In fact, by containing enzymes that facilitate digestion, they allow the body to better assimilate vitamins and minerals.

Source of Minerals and Oligoelements
Algae contain a large amount of minerals and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc and potassium. But the even more interesting feature is that algae have these elements in high concentrations. This is possible because these plants absorb nutrients from the sea by osmosis and without filtering them.

Source of Vitamins
They are rich in beta-carotene, which stimulates the production of vitamin A. The latter is most useful for the immune system and helps protect skin and tissues. Seaweeds also contain significant amounts of chlorophyll and B vitamins (B and B12). These vitamins, which are little present or absent in land vegetables, are most useful for the health of our nervous system, as well as for the digestive and immune systems. In fact, they promote cell renewal and red blood cell production.

They also contain good concentrations of vitamin C, which helps us fight infection, free radicals and stimulate collagen production to keep our tissues young.

Do you want extra Help for your Wellness?
If you are looking for a good dietary regimen to supplement your diet, we recommend our 20-day Kombu seaweed dietary program. Try the complete treatment with the Alghemar New Flavor Kit with added cranberry juice and maple syrup

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