2nd Maintenance Stage
Let's talk again about the “Cultivar food philosophy.” A new dietary regimen with seaweed products indicated for burning excess fat, purifying the body and useful in cases of an unbalanced diet. In fact, a balanced diet is intended to ensure that our bodies get the right amount of nutrients and prevent nutritional deficiencies or excesses.
After talking about the 1st phase of the Cultivar eating philosophy, today we look at the 2nd phase called maintenance lasting another 10 days. This second cycle is called maintenance because it promotes the results achieved with the 1st cycle, helping us maintain the weight achieved.
Let us look in detail at the steps involved in this second phase of the “Cultivar food philosophy.”
Second stage of maintenance
Duration: 10 days
Just after waking up we take half a glass of Alghemar smoothie.
Afterwards, let's have breakfast regularly with:
A cup of tea or lemon carcade (use sweetener instead of sugar).
1 glass of citrus juice (no sugar added).
½ glass of seaweed smoothie (just waking up).
1 cup of soy milk, lactose-free (no almond milk).
Mid-morning snack (about 10 a.m./10:30 a.m.)
For mid-morning snack:
1 to 2 tablespoons of Alghemar Pate spread on two crackers or two slices of whole-wheat bread or two slices of whole-wheat toast.
we can replace the snack with Alghemar pate with ½ cup of Alghemar smoothie.v
At least 30 minutes before eating, we take ½ cup of Alghemar algae-based smoothie and 1 raw apple.
For lunch we put 1 plate of pasta (70gr for women, 100gr for men - weighed raw) on the table.
Pastasciutta can be topped with oil or natural tomato sauce or Alghemar Pate.
Alternatively to pasta you can choose from: Quinoa, Millet, Amaranth, Bulgur or Spelt-avoid legume pasta.
Mid-afternoon snack (about 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
1 to 2 tablespoons of Alghemar Pate (spread on two crackers or two slices of whole-wheat bread or two slices of whole-wheat toast).
Snacking with Pate, such as the morning snack, can be replaced with ½ glass of Alghemar.
½ glass of seaweed shake to be taken at least 30 minutes before eating.
For dinner, we can choose from : Seitan (125gr quantity), Grilled Tofu (125gr quantity), Tampé (125gr quantity) or Soy Sausage (125gr quantity) or Quinoa (60/70gr). It is important (mandatory), in the new Cultivar diet regime, to alternate foods daily.
Along with the main dish, we place a side dish of raw but lightly seasoned vegetables such as carrots, salad, raw zucchini, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, and fennel.
Avoid potatoes and legumes.
In addition, accompany the dinner with ½ sandwich, without crumbs, totaling about 30gr or with 3 corn crackers and not rice crackers.