First Stage
Duration: 10 days
One 125ml glass of seaweed smoothie (just waking up).
A cup of tea or lemon carcade (use sweetener instead of sugar).
One apple (if blended, prepare them with water or half a cup of lactose-free soy milk - NO almond milk).
Mid-morning snack (about 10 a.m./10:30 a.m.)
1 to 2 tablespoons of Alghemar Pate (spread on two crackers or two slices of whole-wheat bread or two slices of whole-wheat toast).
Snacking with Pate can be replaced with half a glass of Alghemar.
One 125ml glass of seaweed smoothie (take at least 30 minutes before eating).
1 or 2 raw apples.
A vanilla soy dessert jar (or lactose-free for the lactose intolerant).
In addition to the foods listed, drink a cup of vegetable broth.
Mid-afternoon snack (about 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
1 to 2 tablespoons of Alghemar Pate (spread on two crackers or two slices of whole-wheat bread or two slices of whole-wheat toast).
Snacking with Pate can be replaced with half a glass of Alghemar.
One 125ml glass of seaweed smoothie (take at least 30 minutes before eating).
Seitan (quantity 125gr) or Grilled Tofu (quantity 125gr) or Tampé (quantity 125gr) or Soy Sausage (quantity 125gr) or Quinoa (70gr and topped with vegetables).
Raw but lightly topped vegetables such as carrots, salad, raw zucchini, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, fennel.
Do not eat potatoes or legumes.
Before bedtime
1 to 2 teaspoons of Alghemar Pate (spread on a cracker, slice of whole-wheat bread or whole-wheat rusk).
Helpful Tips
For the vegetable broth: 3 carrots, 3 onions, 3 zucchini, 3 ribs of celery, 3 liters of water.
Cook, blend, very little salt, and add a tablespoon of raw extra virgin olive oil.
Drink one large cup and store in the refrigerator.
⁃ Always inform your doctor about the change of dietary regimen.
⁃ Weigh yourself and take waist, thigh and hip measurements.
⁃ The glass of seaweed smoothie should be 125ml (like yogurt pots).
⁃ For breakfast: first drink the glass of seaweed smoothie, followed by the cup of tea and the apple.
⁃ Do not skip snacks (items 2 and 4).
⁃ For lunch, apples should be raw.
⁃ In the case of a slight sense of hunger, eat creo fennel or pickles, even outside meals, such as cucumbers, spring onions or giardiniera, the important thing being that they are pickled and not in oil.
⁃ The snack planned before bedtime is to be avoided by those who feel fulfilled by dinner.
⁃ Lunch and dinner can be switched.
⁃ Spices are recommended as an alternative to seasonings.
⁃ Abstain from alcoholic, carbonated and sugary drinks. Of course, complete abstinence from sweets of any kind is mandatory.
⁃ Limit coffee to a maximum of two per day.
⁃ Drink plenty of water, preferably non-carbonated.
⁃ Keep the bowels constantly free by means of herbal teas, as some constipation and/or constipation may occur by changing diet.
If the taste is not appreciated, it can be corrected by adding, at the moment, small amounts of lemon or orange juice to the smoothie poured into the glass. Should you wish to remove the fennel seed flavor simply add 4 to 5 teaspoons of milk to the glass of smoothie, stir and to let the suspension settle for a few minutes before drinking it.